12Sep, 2024

How anthonyBarnum Predicts PR Outcomes

By |September 12th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How anthonyBarnum Predicts PR Outcomes

Strategic campaign prediction Marketing executives expect PR to deliver tangible outcomes. A well-executed campaign feeds top-of-funnel outcomes by driving organic traffic, defines differentiation to persona audiences, and positions higher valuations through category ownership. Yet, many marketers have had mixed results, with little clarity on when or how outcomes will take shape. PR has always been mysterious in its results. Unlike advertising, editorial coverage cannot be bought from reputable media outlets. The decision to include or feature a company in a media story ultimately lies with the editors and reporters, making [...]

7Feb, 2023

What Is Earned Media? (And Why You Should Prioritize It)

By |February 7th, 2023|Blog, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Is Earned Media? (And Why You Should Prioritize It)

The value of earned media for B2B technology companies continues to increase, and splinter into more varied forms of content. Earned media stands in contrast to all other forms of marketing for its inherent credibility, search engine reach, and prestige. It’s the only way to [...]

18Jan, 2023

PR in 2023: Realism & Data at the Forefront

By |January 18th, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on PR in 2023: Realism & Data at the Forefront

It’s a new year and everything is changing, including PR. This is not an oversimplification. After speaking to hundreds of marketing executives over the past two years, analyzing macro and micro trends, economic concepts and shifts, technology advancements and so much more – it’s become [...]

15Dec, 2022

What Marketing Executives Really Want In Their Stockings

By |December 15th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on What Marketing Executives Really Want In Their Stockings

‘Twas the week before Christmas… As we wind down 2022, it’s time to be thankful, celebratory, and for marketers to focus on Q1 planning. It’s not sugar plums dancing in their heads – it’s Q1 KPIs haunting their dreams. What wonder and enchantment are marketing [...]

7Dec, 2022

When Is It Time For A National PR Campaign?

By |December 7th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on When Is It Time For A National PR Campaign?

Executive tech marketers love a great PR campaign. When a PR campaign reaches scale, it is nothing short of transformative. It can greatly increase a brand’s name recognition among its targets, catapult the awareness of a specific set of differentiators that are transformative to a [...]

1Nov, 2022

How To Announce Your Funding

By |November 1st, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on How To Announce Your Funding

How To Announce Your Funding So it’s a big funding event – Here’s how to announce it  anthonyBarnum has been working with venture capital and private equity funded innovation companies for more than a decade. As a result, we’ve led efforts to announce countless funding [...]

6Oct, 2022

Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs – Part Three

By |October 6th, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs – Part Three

Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs - Part Three Nothing is more important in a PR campaign than for it to deliver impactful and valuable earned media placements that articulate the platform’s differentiation in a way that connects with target audiences. [...]

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Leading innovation companies select anthonyBarnum to increase their visibility, hone their external image and generate meaningful media coverage aligned with their core objectives. Founded in 2007, anthonyBarnum is a national public relations firm specializing in category-defining strategies for transformative platforms, software, and technologies.

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