12Sep, 2024

How anthonyBarnum Predicts PR Outcomes

By |September 12th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How anthonyBarnum Predicts PR Outcomes

Strategic campaign prediction Marketing executives expect PR to deliver tangible outcomes. A well-executed campaign feeds top-of-funnel outcomes by driving organic traffic, defines differentiation to persona audiences, and positions higher valuations through category ownership. Yet, many marketers have had mixed results, with little clarity on when or how outcomes will take shape. PR has always been mysterious in its results. Unlike advertising, editorial coverage cannot be bought from reputable media outlets. The decision to include or feature a company in a media story ultimately lies with the editors and reporters, making [...]

6Oct, 2022

Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs – Part Three

By |October 6th, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs – Part Three

Create a Category via PR: The Signs Before the KPIs - Part Three Nothing is more important in a PR campaign than for it to deliver impactful and valuable earned media placements that articulate the platform’s differentiation in a way that connects with target audiences. [...]

28Sep, 2022

Create a Category via PR – Part Two

By |September 28th, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Create a Category via PR – Part Two

Marketers understand how to drive results with engaging content, strong technology platforms, and quality execution. They are going to define their markets, test messages, craft pipeline-building sequences of content, and gauge response rates. It’s an agile orchestration based on best practices, experience, and experimentation to [...]

9Sep, 2022

Create a Category via PR – Part One

By |September 9th, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Create a Category via PR – Part One

I’ve been either a part of a category campaign or driving one as a strategist for 25 years. Let me tell you this - if you are an innovation and category-busting company it is 100% achievable to own a category within a year, and sometimes [...]

1Aug, 2022

Advanced B2B Tech Poised to Move Markets – PR Approaches Can Help

By |August 1st, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Advanced B2B Tech Poised to Move Markets – PR Approaches Can Help

In the last several weeks, we’ve seen turbulence across the economy and within the tech sector. The high-fliers of the pandemic have implemented hiring freezes, stock prices have slid, and profits are down. From entertainment and e-commerce to the gig economy, adoption has accelerated and [...]

23May, 2022

Health Care PR: Key Approaches for Higher ROI

By |May 23rd, 2022|Blog, Public Relations, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Health Care PR: Key Approaches for Higher ROI

A vision for advanced health care – with patient-centered and near instantaneous delivery of care – is a feature of many sci-fi movies. With vast inefficiencies and skyrocketing costs, along with the deepening strain of health care workforce shortages, providers and payers are turning to [...]

4May, 2022

The Media is in Chaos – B2B Innovation Marketers Can Make Key Moves

By |May 4th, 2022|Thought Leadership|Comments Off on The Media is in Chaos – B2B Innovation Marketers Can Make Key Moves

From the acquisitions of news outlets to the intense retractions and resets that came with the pandemic, and bitter disputes we’ve witnessed on social media, it’s been a chaotic time across both traditional and social media. Wild swings in ratings have taken place in fewer [...]

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Leading innovation companies select anthonyBarnum to increase their visibility, hone their external image and generate meaningful media coverage aligned with their core objectives. Founded in 2007, anthonyBarnum is a national public relations firm specializing in category-defining strategies for transformative platforms, software, and technologies.

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